About Matthew Lund

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So far Matthew Lund has created 51 blog entries.

South East London Suicide Bereavement Service Shortlisted for Prestigious Award

South East London Suicide Bereavement Service Shortlisted for Prestigious Award The Suicide Bereavement Service pictured outside Bethlem Gallery and Museum Building on their recent success of winning Gold at the HSJ Awards for Best Not-for-Profit Working in Partnership with the NHS, the South East London Suicide Bereavement Service has been shortlisted for the

Training opportunities are available with Mind in Bexley

Two training opportunities are available with Mind in Bexley We are offering two training opportunities in collaboration with universities across London. CBT High Intensity Trainees Recruitment Psychological therapy services across London are recruiting CBT High Intensity Trainees as part of the IAPT programme. These services deliver evidence-based psychological therapies for people with anxiety and depression.

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