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Self Refer to Mind in Bexley Services
Using Limbic Self-Referral Assistant is the easiest way to ensure that our team receive your referral quickly.
If you need assistance with making a referral, please call us on 0208 303 8932 Option 1 Monday to Friday. 9am – 5pm (Please leave a clear message if your call is not answered) or email giving your name and telephone number – a staff member will then call you back to help.
Services to self-refer to:
- NHS Bexley Talking Therapies – Access to therapies, counselling and a range of support
- Recovery College and Workshops
- Mental Health Carers Support – Support if you are caring for a friend/relative with mental ill health
- Digital Hub – Support to improve your digital skills using a phone, tablet or computer
- Crisis Café
- Employment Support for individuals with mental health issues, including:
Alternatively you can ask your Bexley GP or other Healthcare Professional to refer you to Mind in Bexley on your behalf.
To access our services you must be aged 18 or above, registered with a Bexley GP or live in the Borough of Bexley.
Anyone accessing the NHS Bexley Talking Therapies Service services must read and agree to our CLIENT AGREEMENT WITH CONSENT agreement, consent will also be obtained verbally.
For Crisis Support:
If you don’t feel you can keep yourself safe right now, seek immediate help:
- Go to any Accident & Emergency (A&E) department.
- Call 999 and ask for an ambulance to take you to A&E.
- Ask someone else to call 999 for you or take you to A&E.
- If you are feeling unsafe between 6pm-10pm you can attend our drop in service please see Crisis cafe page
If you need urgent support but don’t want to go to A&E, you could:
- call Samaritans on freephone 116 123 – they’re always open and are there to listen
- contact your GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment
- contact NHS 111 (England)
- contact your local crisis team (CRHT), if you’re under their care