Bexley Recovery College

Recovery is about a personal journey towards a meaningful and satisfying life, towards living as well as possible, whatever symptoms or difficulties are present. We set up a Recovery College in June 2014 to empower people with mental health problems to become experts in their own recovery.

The workshops and courses we run aim to provide the tools to make this happen and to help you become an expert in your own recovery or that of someone you care for. Our college offers a learning approach that complements the existing preventative services provided by Mind in Bexley.

How to access Recovery Services

To refer to Recovery Services you will need to complete our online self-referral form or we can assist and complete the form with you.

Once you have been registered with Mind in Bexley’s Recovery Services, you will be able to enrol on a wide range of Courses, Groups and Workshops and access the following services and support:

• Recovery College and Workshops
Crisis Cafe
Support if you are caring for a friend/relative with mental ill health
Digital Hub (support with all things digital)
Employment Support for individuals with mental health issues
• Welfare benefits support for individuals with a diagnosed Serious Mental Illness
Bexley Community Pantry

Call us on 0203 912 0040 for assistance.

If you need help completing this form, please call 0203 912 0040 or email giving your name and telephone number – a staff member will then call you within a few days to assist with completing the form.

January to March 2025 Timetable

Clients registered with Bexley Recovery Services can complete our registration forms to access a wide range of Courses, Groups and Workshop from our timetable and prospectus which are published each quarter. Please note: it is not possible to sign up for the same workshop or course more than once in the same period.

The past year in numbers

Welfare Rights Financial Gains
Service users had improved wellbeing scores
Activities organised each week through the Bexley Recovery Services