Download the new Mind in Bexley Recovery College ProspectusA graphic that includes the front page of the Recovery College Prospectus for April to June - along with the words Sign Up Now

The latest Mind in Bexley Recovery College Prospectus features more than 40 courses, groups and workshop that are being run to help improve the mental health of Bexley residents.

Whether you fancy joining Open Spaces, Photography for Fun, Pilates or getting out in the fresh air with our Walk and Talk group – we have a wide range of activities available for residents in Bexley.

There are face-to-face groups that meet in different parts of the borough, as well as online activities that you can join via your computer or phone from the comfort of your own living room.

Take a look at the new Prospectus for April to June 2024 and take on a new challenge: here

For timetable information and to sign up, please click: