Service Improvement and Operational Lead Job Opportunity 

Job Description Service Improvement and Operational Lead final

This is an exciting new opportunity to work in a jointly funded post with Oxleas NHS FT and Mind in Bexley services, providing operational management and project leadership to a large, integrated team. The role, and team, are working within primary care mental health and acting as a single point of access for support for local residents’ mental health and wellbeing, including specialist secondary care services. To support the ongoing integration of the Mind in Bexley and Oxleas NHS FT working, Mind in Bexley is hosting this role for the service.

The role will support the provision and further development of quality services, leading a multidisciplinary team of professionals from Mind in Bexley, Bexleycare (a partnership between Oxleas and London Borough of Bexley Adult Social Care) and the third sector voluntary services, who are working together as a “front door” contact for Bexley residents.

As an expert practitioner you will provide, coaching, leadership, management, and supervision to staff in their delivery of a holistic service provision. The successful applicant will be responsible for providing the direction for the operational and clinical improvement within the Bexley Mental Health Wellbeing Hub.

Application and Interview Dates

 Closing date and time: 6pm Friday 14th June 2024

Interview date and time: Thursday 27th June 2024 – times TBC   

Apply by sending your CV and a completed application form to: