Our Menopause Group celebrated the first anniversary of its opening meeting

The members of our Menopause Group celebrated its first anniversary recently by having a ‘bring and share’ party.

Members of the Menopause Group pictured at the anniversary party in Bexleyheath

Our Menopause Group was established by Mind in Bexley to meet a need of offering help and support to women going through the stages of the menopause.

The informal and friendly group gives people the opportunity to connect with other women from Bexley and enable them to feel emotionally supported and affirmed through their shared experiences of the menopause.

Ten women attended and they all brought a little contribution of food from their cultural background to the party. The group had a great time and it was nice for the ladies to mingle and talk to other women in the group.

The ladies also brought me some flowers to say thank you for giving them a safe place to go and talk about a subject that is still has so much taboo around.

If you would like to join the Group, it meets on Tuesdays at 6pm until 7pm at the Pantry, 301C Broadway, Bexleyheath DA6 8DT.

To sign up, please register on our website here or email: recovery@mindinbexley.org.uk

To take a look at the Mind in Bexley Menopause Support page, please visit: mindinbexley.org.uk/menopause