Joanne Mind in Bexley Volunteer

Joanne Mind in Bexley Volunteer for Revival Cafe and Mentoring Project I have been a volunteer in the Revival Cafe since July 2019.  I really enjoy working in the cafe as it is a bright, friendly, welcoming and happy space.  We always have the vinyl spinning and customers are encouraged to choose some music so

Volunteer Story – Jackie

I have been volunteering since last year and I assist Pauline Fisher who is the volunteer lead at Mind in Bexley and East Kent Mind with administration duties once a week.  I wanted to volunteer to gain some experience and confidence working in an office as I hadn’t done so for 13 years. I have

Volunteer Story – Pat

I wanted to become a Volunteer for MIND shortly after passing Level 2 Award in introduction to Listening and Counselling. I used the services personally to which I found to be extremely helpful. MIND are a superb charity having lots of support areas and the Recovery College is lead superbly. I received excellent training which I

Carers Service Volunteer

Our carers volunteer summary of her experiences volunteering for the Carers service and what volunteering means to her "It is my pleasure to help and support wherever I can for all these wonderful people because I have been a carer myself and fully understand that that they so often get overlooked and forgotten by so

Harry’s Blog

Harry White – Mind Volunteer Hey everyone reading this, my name is Harry White and I am a Volunteer with Mind Open Spaces. I’ve been a Volunteer for around 2 years, going on 3 now, if my memory serves me right. I tend to the allotment as an Open Spaces Volunteer, which is wonderful

Volunteer story – Viv

“I joined the volunteering team at Mind in Bexley 3 months ago, my aim was to help, support and assist in any way I can. Previously I worked in the childcare sector and therefore the free training and support offered by Mind was a great asset in giving me an insight into mental health while

Mentees Support – Ola

My name is Ola, I am a volunteer with Mind in Bexley as a Mentor I have been supporting Mentees during this lock down by offering  weekly phone calls, listening and providing practice support. When speaking to Mentees I go through their recovery star with them which really empowers a person and supports individual recovery,

Thank You For Volunteering

Mind in Bexley Volunteers generously give their time and dedication which supports our organisation to run smoothly. I wanted to let you all know that you are doing an outstanding job and I am extremely grateful with what you are doing to help others . I would like to thank every Mind in Bexley volunteer for

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