Two training opportunities are Mind in Bexley Training graphicavailable with Mind in Bexley

We are offering two training opportunities in collaboration with universities across London.

CBT High Intensity Trainees Recruitment

Psychological therapy services across London are recruiting CBT High Intensity Trainees as part of the IAPT programme. These services deliver evidence-based psychological therapies for people with anxiety and depression.

Are you an experienced mental health professional or social care worker with a recognised professional qualification working in a mental health setting? Have you considered training in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and getting paid to do it?

Applications open from Monday 15th April at 9am until Sunday 28th April 2024

To read more about this opportunity, please visit:

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners training at UCL

Psychological therapies services across London are recruiting trainee PWPs as part of the IAPT programme to deliver evidence-based psychological therapies for people with anxiety and depression. PWPs provide brief structured supported treatments such as guided self-help.

PWP training is provided by University College London (UCL) and is full time. Trainees attend university one day a week and work in service the remaining 4 days a week. Trainees will be employed in an IAPT psychological treatment service. Training course fees on this programme are fully funded by the NHS. In addition, trainees will receive a salary from the London IAPT service where they undertake their 4-day a week placement over the year of the programme. In previous years, this has been a full-time employed position at NHS band 4.

Recruitment opens at 10am on Thursday 25th April and close at 10am on Monday 13th May. This is for intakes that will start at the beginning of October 2024.

For more information and for details of how to apply, please visit: here