Mind in Bexley Supporters

Bexley Rotary Club

Thank you very much to the Bexley Rotary Club for choosing Mind in Bexley as their charity to fundraise for. On Monday evening, Chris King; president of Bexley Rotary club presented us with a £2,660 cheque! This money will go towards our target to purchase a minibus.

Athena ANPR

Tom, 22, of Erith, took part in a fundraising event for Mind in Bexley, by helping to organise a team from his employers, Athena ANPR, to hike Ben Nevis on World Cup quarter final day so his team could raise the Cross of St George at the summit. Tom, first to the top, helped to

Anne and John Rayer

Thank you very much to Anne and John Rayer who held an open garden event with all funds going to Mind in Bexley. £600 was raised and will be put towards our 2018 target of purchasing a minibus. We very much appreciate you thinking of us. Many thanks indeed.

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